Your Way to Germany!

A Process Overview of how you can make it in Germany as a Healthcare Professional.

Are you a Philippine healthcare professional (i.e. Nurse, Physiotherapist, Radiologist) looking for opportunities to work in Germany? If so, you've come to the right place. This guide will provide a detailed process overview of how to secure a nursing job in Germany, including a general overview of the process, the requirements, the benefits of learning language intensively in a F2F boarding school setup, and what you can experience in working in Germany. However, before signing up for this program, it is important to consider the following factors. First, you must meet the general requirements, including having a valid license, relevant work experience, and a willingness to learn German. Secondly, learning the German language can be very challenging, and it requires a 100% time commitment. Lastly, this process boasts an impressive 90% passing rate for the first exam attempt and a 100% passing rate for the second attempt. So, let's dive into the details and explore how you can secure a nursing job in Germany.

10-12 Months of Processing

0-1 Month
Recruitment Procedure

 - Interview sessions, contract signing, documentation

8 Months
Language Training A1-B2 (F2F in Campus)

 - Intensive German Language and Culture Training

1-2 Months
Deployment Processing

 - Visa and DMW processing, up to deployment to Germany

0-1 Month

 - Congratulations!

The Program Offer

Free Language Training

The employer pays language and exam fees.

All Paperwork Processing

Notarization, translation,  and processing of docs are paid for.

Free Board and Lodging

Shared dormitory for group study and camaraderie.

Focused Training Environment

No traffic nor distractions. Just studying.

Monthly Allowance

Provided by the employer; won't be repaid.

Free Books

Soft and hard copies, with e-learning platforms.

Free Meals

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner are all provided in the campus cafeteria.

​Contact in Germany

Know your employer and who to contact firsthand.

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